Health Care Reform: Daschle Withdraws HHS Nomination

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Senator Tom Daschle withdrew his nomination as Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary this morning, as a result of intense criticism from the media (The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post) over back taxes and concern that the controversy would stymie the Obama Administration.

Senator Daschle had made mistakes in his taxes and owned up to it, but unfortunately for him, we are in an era where there is no forgiveness.

In a statement from President Obama, he said that “Tom made a mistake, which he has openly acknowledged.  He has not excused it, nor do I.  But that mistake, and this decision, cannot diminish the many contributions Tom has made to this country, from his years in the military, to his decades of public service.  Now, we must move forward with our plan to lift this economy and put people back to work.”

Daschle has been front and center on the healthcare reform, and according to Congressional Quarterly, he will also be leaving his job as Director of the White House Office on Healthcare Reform.  

His withdrawal will certainly slow down the momentum on healthcare reform, and also prevent any announcement which was expected this week on Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Commissioners.  This change also gives the House and Senate significantly more leeway on the design of the healthcare reform package and will enable Senator Baucus a clear shot at adopting most of his proposed reforms. 

Finance Chairman, Max Baucus, D-Mont., said, “I’m surprised.  It’s tragic, regrettable.  He’s a very good man, exceptionally qualified for the job… I think he would have been confirmed,” Baucus said.  “He’s made his decision.  It’s time to move on.”

Baucus insisted that the loss of Daschle would not affect the timetable for moving a healthcare overhaul.  “The committee’s moving full speed ahead — and the HELP Committee is — on healthcare reform.  President Obama is totally committed to healthcare reform.  It could be a little blip.  I don’t think it’s much.”

Also, at the Academy Health Conference this morning Senator Baucus statedgetting healthcare reform legislation enacted this year is my top priority.

Whomever is Senator Daschle’s replacement, will play a key role in the healthcare reform debate.  Perhaps it will be someone who holds all perspectives and not just the payor’s perspective on healthcare reform.

Obama and Daschle Statements

Roll Call: Daschle Withdraws Nomination

Congressional Quarterly: Daschle withdraws as HHS Pick

CNN: Daschle Withdraws

The Wall Street Journal: Daschle Withdraws Nomination of Health and Human Services Post


The New York Times: The Travails of Tom Daschle

The Wall Street Journal: Driving Mr. Daschle

The Washington Post: Back Taxes Part II

Senator Baucus:  Remarks to Academy Health Conference

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