CBI West Coast Forum on Educational Grants

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Another Educational Opportunity includes the 3rd Annual West Coast Forum on Educational Grants for the Pharmaceutical, Biotech and Medical Device Industry.

Topics include:

  • Improved transparency
  • MedEd needs assessments
  • What’s happening on the Hill
  • The impact of PhRMA 2009
  • How to ensure effective collaboration with providers
  • NC-CME certification process
  • Adult learning
  • Independent medical education departments
  • Establish SOPs
  • Cost benefit analysis of online/offline grant systems
  • Outcomes data

This event is focused on the internal workings of grants systems at manufacturers, it is a good event especially if you live or work on the west coast to understand how commercial support for CME works in today’s environment.  And as a bonus you get hear Thomas Sullivan, Author of Policy and Medicine present on the latest issues.

Dates:  Tuesday May 12th – Wednesday May 13th

Location:  San Diego Hilton

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