IOM Conflict of Interest in Medical Research Education and Practice (Released April 28, 2009)

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To mark the release of the Institute of Medicine report Conflict of Interest in Medical Research, Education, and Practice, invites you to a public briefing.

Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Time:  10:00am – 11:00am EDT

Location: Zenger Room of the National Press Club

                  13th Floor, 529 14th St. NW, Washington DC

Participants will include:

·         Harvey Fineberg, M.D., President, of the Institute of Medicine;

·         Bernard Lo, M.D., Professor of Medicine and Director, Program in Medical Ethics, University of California, San Francisco;

·         James Childress, Ph.D., Hollingsworth Professor of Ethics and Director, Institute for Practical Ethics, University of Virginia;

·         Eric Campbell, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Institute for Health Policy (IHP) and Department of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School.

Copies of the report will be available at the meeting.

The IOM initiated this study in response to growing concerns about the risks of certain financial relationships with industry involving physicians, biomedical researchers, academic medical centers, professional societies, and other institutions. The report examines these relationships and the evidence base for developing policies to identify, limit, and manage conflicts of interest. It makes recommendations for action by both individuals and institutions.

If you would like to attend, we ask you to register by contacting Robin Parsell at 202-334-2360 or as soon as possible. Space in the meeting room is very limited. You can also listen to a live audio Webcast of the event. The Webcast link will become available at the time of the event at http://at

This report is partially funded by the Josiah Macy Foundation (470,000) and stacked with of opponents to industry, sources close to the report state that it will be very restrictive towards all associations with industry. 

IOM Report: Workings of the Chrystal Ball

Institute of Medicine: CE Report for Sale

IOM Committee on COI: Make up of Members 


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