AMA CEJA 2010: House of Delegate Sends Back CEJA Report on CME for 4th Time

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For a fourth time in a row, the American Medical Association House of Delegates (AMA-HOD) has sent the Council on Judicial and Ethical Affairs (CEJA) 1-A-10 report on Financial Relationships with Industry in Continuing Medical Education back for more work to CEJA. Perhaps this time they will get the message.

Despite strong opposition (3-1) from those who spoke at the reference committee, the AMA HOD Reference committee recommended CEJA for passage, but on the floor debate it was apparent that the House of Delegates was not in favor of this report as shown in them sending it back for the 4th time.

During the debate, testimony regarding 1-A-10 was divided. Testimony recognized that organizations such as ACCME and CMSS already have policies in place that address financial relationships with industry in continuing medical education (CME), and as such, the additional guidance presented in CEJA Report 1 may be unduly burdensome.

Additional testimony acknowledged a lack of compelling evidence to support the contention that industry funding of CME leads to bias in continuing medical education.

Once again this outcome reflects the overwhelming support physicians have for industry supported CME because they recognize that it brings high quality education and training to doctors.

It also shows that CEJA’s lack of evidence is concerning for many considering there is significant data showing that commercial support of CME does not result in bias. As a result, the next proposal must acknowledge this new evidence, and must support the role industry funded CME plays in educating physicians to help close gaps in care, and providing better patient care.

Other Stories on CEJA

AMA CEJA 2010: ACRE Recommends Rejecting CEJA Report Financial Relationships with Industry in Continuing Medical Education

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AMA CEJA: Strike 4 – Report Perhaps Ushered from the CME Ballpark



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