AMA-AAMC New Horizons for Medical Education Forum: Seeking Input in for Improving Medical Education

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In an attempt to address the current challenges facing the education of physicians in the fast pace and increasingly complex field of medicine, the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) recently began a co-sponsored invitational conference titled New Horizons in Medical Education: A Second Century of Achievement.

The event, which is to be held in September, “will bring together current and future leaders in medical and health professions, to chart the new directions for medical education for the next 10 years and beyond.”

 Until the date of the event, AMA and AAMC asked members of the health care community to comment in the discussion forum on important themes in medical education.

 Topics Include:

· Education Continuum: How can accreditation, certification, and licensure contribute to the creation of a true medical education continuum? How can different organizations that assess either individuals and/or organizations share information and data to better define and measure appropriate benchmarks of performance and excellence?  


· Evaluation/Research:  How do we know that the educational process and product are meeting professional and societal expectations? Which types of research are fruitful and lead to positive change?


· Financing:  How can the continuum of medical education be sustained financially? What types of organizations, both public and private, are potential sources of funding? What are the potential positive and negative effects of changing sources of funding on the education and ethics of physicians?  


· Leadership: How can leadership of medical education institutions contribute to creating a positive environment that supports education and health care delivery?  


· Social Accountability: What is the social responsibility of medical education institutions, and their trainees and faculty?  


· Technology Infrastructure:  How can technology contribute to creating an efficient and effective learning environment and prepare trainees for future practice? How do we ensure that technology serves the physician, not vice versa, and does not interfere with formation of the critical bond between physician and patient in the clinical encounter?  


· Trends in Health Care:  What trends in health care delivery will have the greatest effect on medical education and on the institutions and faculty involved in the training of physicians?   



· Work Force Development:  What new approaches to education and training would contribute to a physician workforce prepared for the future? What steps does medical education, and society as a whole, need to take to ensure that the physician workforce is matched to the needs of patients and that access to appropriate care is available?   


These comments and contributions will be incorporated into the New Horizons conference discussions and in materials distributed after the conference.  It is important that you submit comments especially if you are working in one of the areas described above in graduate or continuing medical education.  This includes but not limited to medical schools, associations, hospitals with residency programs, practicing physicians and others involved in medical education.


To Submit Comments


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