Top Clinical Trial Websites

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 A recent post on the blog, Clinical Researchers, provided a wealth of information for health care providers and stakeholders interested in all kinds of research. Specifically, the post provided a reference of 40 useful sites for readers to learn more about clinical trials, as well as sites that include helpful case studies and journals and publications that report results from different areas of clinical research.  The sites are listed below. 

Clinical Trials

Find out more about clinical trials. Learn where the trials are being held, and their purposes. A great reference to different trials happening now, or scheduled to happen in the future.

  1. The government puts together information on clinical research trials, including instructions, background and more.
  2. A network of clinical trials and research centered around vaccines. Find out more about the latest research in vaccinations.
  3. CenterWatch: Resources and information on clinical trials and clinical research. A great, global reference.
  4. Learn more about different trials available, and what is available. Solid information on clinical research.
  5. Clinical Trials: Get information on research currently being conducting throughout the U.S. from the National Institute of Mental Health.
  6. Clinical Connection: Learn about different clinical trials, and the research going on right now.
  7. Clinical Trials at MD Anderson Cancer Center: Insight into different cancer clinical trials.
  8. WHO ICTRP: The World Health Organization includes a look at clinical trials and registration.
  9. Clinical Trials at the Mayo Clinic: Find out what clinical research is happening at one of the most prestigious institutions.
  10. IFPMA Clinical Trials Portal: Learn more about clinical research, and what sorts of trials are being conduct. Get results as well.
  11. Clinical Trials: Duke Health offers information on clinical trials, results and other information that is great to reference.

Some of the best reference materials can be case studies. If you are interested in seeing what has been done in the past, and if you are interested in seeing how different strategies hold up in real world situations, you can visit these clinical case study sites.

  1. Clinical Case Studies: Great information, research and reference from Medical Gross Anatomy at the University of Michigan.
  2. Clinical Cases and Images: Use this site as a reference for your own clinical research.
  3. Case Studies: The Virtual Health Care Team at the University of Missouri-Columbia has a great look at different cases.
  4. Case Studies in Science: Great clinical research studies and results that can help you in your own clinical research.
  5. Cases: offers helpful case studies that you can use for reference in your own efforts.
  6. Clinical Grand Rounds: Reference these studies from the NIH Clinical Center. Great resources from a respected and reliable source.
  7. Case Studies by Subject: A great compilation of clinical research case studies. Plenty to keep you busy with ideas for your own clinical research.
  8. CME Cases: Medscape offers you access to great clinical reference points.
  9. Clinical Decisions: This reference can help you learn to make better decisions in your clinical settings and research.
  10. Challenging Cases: Great, interactive studies that can be used for reference in clinical research.

Journals and Publications Dealing with Clinical Research

Find out more about the latest breakthroughs in clinical research. Get ideas, join the debate, and keep up with the literature. Helpful resources and references.

  1. Clinical Trials: This is the Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials. It’s a peer-reviewed journal full of good reference information.
  2. Clinical Chemistry: Interesting articles and discussions on clinical research related to chemistry.
  3. PubMed: Get access to a number of publications that include clinical research. One of the best reference sites on the Internet.
  4. First Clinical: Offers access to different clinical research pubs. A number of options to choose from.
  5. Journal Watch: Articles from medical journals around the world, including those related to clinical research.
  6. Publications about Clinical Research and Trials: Find out what you need to know about referencing clinical research.
  7. Applied Clinical Trials Online: A look at applied clinical trials and research.
  8. Journal of Clinical Research & Bioethics: Access to information about clinical research, as well as great references on ethics.
  9. Open Access Journal of Clinical Trials: Great journal offering access to articles about clinical trials and research results.
  10. JP-CCR: The Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research is a great reference for researchers around the world.
  11. Clinical Medicine & Research: Insightful articles, information, and highlights from current issues. Great reference for what’s the latest in clinical research.

Clinical Research Ethics, Policies and Procedures

Whenever you are involved in clinical research, it is important to understand best practices and have a good idea of ethics. You should be able to learn more about policies and procedures, and learn about what makes for solid, respectable research.

  1. Clinical Trials Networks Best Practices: Find out more about best practices in clinical research, getting an idea of patient management, as well as ethics and procedures.
  2. Clinical Research Site Training: Get information and training related to running clinical trials and performing research properly.
  3. Clinical Trial Ethics: A great resource to help you understand what’s ethical in clinical research.
  4. Center for Clinical Research Ethics: This center is a partnership between the Washington University Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences and the Department of Health Care Ethics at St. Louis University in Missouri. A great reference and resource for anyone interested in clinical research.
  5. Clinical Research Policy Analysis and Coordination: A great resource from the Office of Biotechnology Activities at the National Institutes of Health.
  6. Clinical Research Ethics Key Function Committee: Find out more about quality assessment of IRB organizations, as well as collaboration ethics and more. A great reference and useful resource.
  7. Joint Study Committee on Clinical Research Ethics: Find out more about clinical research ethics, best practices and policies.
  8. Research Ethics: Great references and resources related to research, including clinical research.
1 Comment
  1. Debra Hassenfeld says

    I’d like to recommend another website:
    CISCRP (The Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation) is an independent nonprofit organization that educates the public about the risks and benefits of clinical research participation. CISCRP is not involved in recruiting patients for clinical trials nor is it involved in conducting trials.
    One of its primary mottos is ‘education before participation’ — emphasizing the importance of complete and balanced learning.

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