ACCME: Comments on Proposed Logo Ban Due to ACCME This Friday, January 31, 2014

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The ACCME recently issued a Call for Comment regarding its proposal to eliminate the use of corporate logos from all CME materials. The proposal is embedded in the ACCME’s proposal entitled “Simplifying the Accreditation Requirements and Process.” The ACCME has created a website survey to determine public sentiment and collect public comment. The CME Coalition urges all stakeholders to participate in this important process and urges CME supporters to oppose the ACCME proposal. Comments are due Friday, January 31, 2014.

The CME Coalition opposes the ACCME proposal to ban corporate logos from CME materials for the following reasons:

  • Existing ACCME rules are familiar to CME providers, they are clear, and they provide sufficient firewalls between education and promotion.
  • CME providers are currently able to choose whether or not they include logos in program materials. CME providers should be able to retain that choice.
  • Utilizing the logo is an important means of ensuring transparency to the learner and makes the distinction between supported and unsupported education apparent.
  • In an economic environment where industry providers have shrinking budgets from which to allocate funding and where mergers are reducing the number of companies who are in a position to provide support, it is becoming increasingly difficult to secure funding for vital programs. Because a benefit supporters receive from supporting CME includes public recognition for their commitment to CME, it would be a mistake to eliminate that recognition and jeopardize that irreplaceable source of financial support.
  • There is no evidence that the appearance of a logo as part of the disclosure of commercial support serves a commercial promotional intent or inappropriately influences physicians.
  • Industry self-regulation that includes commonsense rules, such as the CME Coalition’s Voluntary Responsible Logo Use Code of Conduct, is an important tool for ensuring responsible use of corporate logos.

How can you comment?

1. Go to the ACCME website at:

2. Click on the banner at the bottom of the Home Page “CALL FOR COMMENT”

3. Click on “CALL FOR COMMENT: SIMPLIFYING THE ACCREDITATION REQUIREMENTS AND PROCESS,” fill out the survey and leave comments. (Limited to 1000 characters)

4. Alternatively, comments may be mailed to: ACCME, Attn: Call for Comment, 515 N. State Street, Suite 1801, Chicago, IL 60654

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