PhRMA Innovation Hub Highlights Research and Advances in the Biopharmaceutical Industry

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The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) recently launched an impressive website—the “Innovation Hub”—which showcases the latest data and research on innovation in the biopharmaceutical industry. The website offers a central place for PhRMA’s resources related to the R&D process, the biopharmaceutical pipeline, and progress fighting diseases such as hepatitis C, cancer, Alzheimer’s, leukemia, and HIV/AIDS.

The website features a streamlined, reader-friendly interface that hopefully will be a helpful education tool. We particularly appreciate the organization among disease states.


There are many useful articles and videos on the website, including:

Treatment Advances Transform HIV/AIDS: New medicines, including combination treatments for HIV/AIDS, have transformed what was once a fatal diagnosis into a chronic disease for many patients. This timeline walks through the research and breakthroughs that have gotten HIV treatment to where it is today.

New Hope for Patients with Hepatitis C highlights the value of new hepatitis C medicines that are curing 90 percent of patients and helping to prevent billions of dollars in hospitalizations and other medical costs to treat patients with the disease.

Fighting the Heavy Burden of Cancer: Innovative cancer medicines developed by biopharmaceutical companies and research partners have led to an increase in patient survival rates and higher life expectancy around the world. This article outlines the current human and economic impact that cancer imposes on the U.S. and the progress that is being made toward fighting cancer and understanding the value of its therapies.

Chronic Leukemias: Survival Rates Rise: The 5-year survival rate for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients has increased dramatically since imatinib was first approved for treatment in 2001.

Pipeline of Hope: Learn about the discovery and development process of life-saving or life-enhancing medicines, from initial research to delivery.

Great Moments in Treatment Innovation highlights the key advances that have changed medicine over the last century great moments in medical innovation. In 1900, life expectancy was fifty years. Today’s life expectancy surpasses 80 years. This link walks through noteworthy breakthroughs in the past hundred years.

Innovative Treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis Improve the Lives of Patients:  Therapeutic advances have transformed treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) over the last two decades, from focusing on symptom management to now aiming for slowed disease progression and even disease remission.

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