Sixteenth Pharmaceutical Compliance Congress and Best Practices Forum

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The sixteenth annual Pharmaceutical and Regulatory Compliance Congress will take place October 21-23 at the Mandarin Oriental in Washington, DC. The three-day conference features an impressive array of expert speakers and faculty from regulatory agencies, the pharmaceutical industry, and law firms.

Click here for the Conference website link.

The Keynote Speakers this year include:

  • Thomas W. Abrams, RPh, MBA
    Director, Office of Prescription Drug Promotion, Food and Drug Administration
  • Robert Barrington, PhD
    Executive Director, Transparency International-UK
  • Douglas Brown
    Deputy Director, Data Sharing & Partnership Group, Center for Program Integrity, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, US Department of Health and Human Services
  • Benjamin C. Mizer, Esq.
    Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Civil Division, Former Counselor to Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr., US Department of Justice
  • Mary E. Riordan, Esq.
    Senior Counsel, Office of Counsel to the Inspector General, Office of Inspector General, US Department of Health and Human Services

Last year’s conference featured many interesting sessions in addition to the updates from various government agencies, including a qui tam panel, compliance officer round-table, and Sunshine Act best practices update.

Registration is available here

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