Update: Connecticut APRN Reporting Policy

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Last month, we wrote about the Connecticut APRN policy that is starting to come to fruition. As we noted, the dates of reporting were different than what applicable manufacturers (GPO’s, Distributors, Drug and Device Manufacturers) were expecting.

At the time of our previous article, we were uncertain as to why Connecticut went back to the July 1, 2015, recording date after the state legislature had previously announced it was delaying reporting.

As such, we contacted the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection about the apparent erroneous information. In our communications, we noted that “the website currently says that the “first reporting date is from July 1, 2015 to July 1, 2017, and annual, rather than quarterly filings are now required.”

The way the website previously read may have lead manufacturers to believe that the very first report, due on July 1, 2017, must include payments made to APRNs from July 1, 2015 – July 1, 2017. However, it was our understanding that the legislature modified the law so that it would just be the “preceding calendar year” for reporting.

We have now found out that the statement on the website is a clerical error, and the website has been updated for the APRN expenditure reporting, which can be found here. Once again, the first report is due by July 1, 2017, for the period from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016.

Thank you to Abraham Gitterman for helping us get this clarification.

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