Study Highlights Physician QPP Preparedness

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Fewer than one in four physicians feel they are prepared to meet requirements under the CMS’ Quality Payment Program (QPP), a new American Medical Association and KPMG survey shows. Out of 1,000 physicians involved in practicing decision-making related to the QPP, only 8% said they were “deeply knowledgeable” about MACRA and QPP. In contrast, almost 92% said they were “somewhat knowledgeable” or not knowledgeable. All of this spells danger for the new program as CMS struggles to inform physicians about the new requirements even as a performance year has almost already been completed.

Study Results

According to the study, 7 in 10 respondents had in fact begun preparing to meet the requirements of the QPP for 2017. Nearly 9 in 10 feel somewhat prepared or well prepared to meet the low-bar requirements set forth by CMS in the first year. Of those participating in the MIPS track of QPP, only 65% felt prepared to meet the requirements, indicating that alternative payment model members have a higher likelihood of feeling prepared. Additionally, of those participating in MIPS, 90% felt the requirements are slightly or very burdensome, with over half responding they were at the higher level of burden.

Respondents to the survey indicated the reporting time required to comply is the most significant challenge and suggest it will be one in future years. Respondents also struggled to understand requirements like MIPS scoring and the cost of reporting.

Previous programs like PQRS and the VBPM contributed to the level of readiness for QPP. The legacy programs set up physicians to be more successful than those with no experience with them. Only 25% of physicians with prior reporting experience felt well prepared for the QPP, however.

An interesting finding in the study is that even among those who feel prepared, they do not fully understand the total impact of the QPP. While they may be prepared to check boxes and complete forms, they lack “long-term strategic financial vision to success in 2018 and beyond.” Only 8% of respondents feel they are very prepared for long-term success with 26% feel not prepared at all.

Findings Support Number of Assumptions About QPP

According to the study, its results confirm assumptions that are widely held regarding physician knowledge and preparedness for QPP requirements:

  • Some challenges are universal regardless of practice size, specialty, or previous value-based payment experience, particularly the time required and the complexity of reporting.
  • Physicians, especially in small practices, need more help to prepare.
  • Physicians want more alternative payment models available to them.
  • Physicians with value-based payment reporting experience are more confident about their preparedness regarding performance under MIPS.
  • Physicians remain deeply concerned about the long-term financial ramifications of the QPP.

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