CMS Announces 2019 Open Payment Reporting Thresholds

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CMS updates key reporting thresholds for applicable manufacturers and group purchasing organizations (GPOs) annually for Open Payments reporting, adjusted based on the consumer price index. This means that for a calendar year (January 1 – December 31), if a small payment or other transfer of value is less than a certain minimum amount, it is excluded from the reporting requirements under Open Payments. However, if the amount transferred to, requested by, or designated on behalf of a physician or teaching hospital exceeds an aggregate total annual amount for the calendar year all payments or other transfers of value must be reported.

For 2019, the threshold for individual small payments or other transfers of value is $10.79, while the total annual amount of payments or transfers of value is $107.91. Below is a table of all reporting thresholds for Program Years 2013 through 2019.

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