Rockpointe An Unprecedented Year in Review

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As we look forward to the Holidays and the start of 2021, we look back with gratitude toward those who have helped us navigate this anomalous year.

We were going about our normal CME operations and publications, excited about new activities and stories on the horizon in early 2020.  Rockpointe was celebrating our 25th Anniversary as a leading CME provider and a trusted information source.

Then, news of the pandemic stopped us in our tracks.

We had to regroup and re-strategize not only a plan for COVID-19 resources and CME, but also to find a solution for the myriad of weekly live grand rounds and CME conferences that we had already scheduled for the year.

In early February, 2020, Rockpointe held the first live COVID-19 Accredited CME webinar in the country, to record-high attendance. This would be the first of 22 COVID-19 CME webinars during 2020, as our science team was hard at work to develop CME content for clinicians on the front lines. Special thanks to our supporters for recognizing the urgency of the new program topics, such as COVID-19 and Lung Cancer, Telemedicine and Asthma Management, COVID-19 and T2DM, and more. Many of these COVID webinars have been/will be adapted to become on-demand webcourses.

In early March we published a comprehensive list of state government resources for COVID-19.  The site was the first ever comprehensive resource page for resources on this crisis and track what is happening in your state.

Rockpointe conducted a nationwide survey of over 1500 physicians on the impact of COVID-19 on their practices, to assist state medical societies in responding to their needs. The survey results were shared with state medical societies around the country and published in more places than we can count.

Rockpointe helped establish the COVID-19 State Medical Society Collaborative which included bi-weekly meetings with state medical societies, specifically to discuss and respond to pandemic-related needs.

The Covid Crisis brought to light inequities in our society and in the healthcare system, Rockpointe went into action.   In early July, to help healthcare providers understand what they practically can do to help with this topic, Rockpointe produced a webinar and webcourse Eliminating Disparities in Healthcare What Can You Do?  The course offered practical tips for improving the care of minorities in their medical practices.

Our Grand Rounds and live meetings became virtual through a remarkable collaborative effort among all parties, who worked tirelessly to restructure programs and notify attendees, while still keeping original deadlines.

We thank our supporters, the state medical and specialty societies, the hospitals and organizations that worked with us, and most of all, our Rockpointe Staff, who showed their dedication and true grit during this challenging year.

We know this crisis has deeply affected all of us.

The good news is the first batches of vaccines are rolling out. We know the battle isn’t over yet, but there is a ray of hope for some steps toward a return to normalcy in 2021.

We are thankful for those medical professionals who risked their lives to treat the millions of COVID-19 patients and many of our family members.  Let us never forget their commitment and courage in fighting this pandemic.

We wish you and your family a better 2021.

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