Transparency & Aggregate Spend: Virtual Event

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From May 18, 2021 to May 20, 2021, the Transparency & Aggregate Spend will take place as a virtual event. The program aims to help attendees ensure compliance in a complex, ever-evolving transparency reporting landscape through critical examination of current and future trends. To that end, attendees will be able to build powerful connections and participate in timely, post-reporting conversations via best practice sharing and benchmarking with industry peers. Attendees will be able to immerse themselves in the regulations, technology, major trends, analytics and compliance insights to elevate their transparency programs.

Day One

On the first day, attendees will hear from Veronika Peleshchuk Fradlin of CMS regarding recommendations and best practices to prepare for future reporting cycles. In addition, there will be an enforcement panel with several Assistant U.S. Attorneys discussing government guidance updates regarding the OIG Speaker Programs Fraud Alert and a discussion over lessons learned, challenges overcome, and adaptations made in 2020 to ensure continuity.

In the afternoon, attendees will be able to choose from three different concurrent topic intensives: investigate new and emerging risk areas with virtual HCP interactions; highlight key compliance considerations for navigating the OUS landscape; and review data collection processes for impactful and compliant reporting.

Day Two

On day two, there will be a virtual yoga session to kick off the day, followed by a panel discussion on the practical implications of Sunshine Act expansion and the inclusion of newly covered recipients. Day two also features Policy & Medicine editor Thomas Sullivan, who will be speaking on Open Payments, non-profits, and the Senate Finance Committee report and where we go from here. It concludes with a roundtable discussion on industry benchmarking and forward-thinking.

Day Three

Day three is a half-day event where hot topics will continue to be discussed, including how to mitigate global compliance risks in an interconnected world and how to use data analytics and monitoring initiatives for effective global oversight.

Registration & Discount Code

InformaConnect has offered an exclusive discount code for 10% off of the current published registration rate for readers of Policy & Medicine: POLICYMEDAGG. To take advantage of the discount code and register for the event, click here

*Discount only valid on registrations for the Transparency & Aggregate Spend: Spring Reporting Review; applies to the current published standard rate and may not be combined with other offers, categories, promotions or applied to an existing registration. Offer not valid on workshop only or academic/non-profit registrations.

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