New From ACCME: ACCME Academy

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Recently, the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) announced the ACCME Academy, “an educational home for the continuing education (CE) community.” The ACCME Academy opened on June 1, 2021, and accredited providers in the ACCME system are provided free access to multimedia, interactive courses, and resources designed to help them enhance the value of their education.

ACCME Academy will have a suite of resources available to CE providers, including:

  • Courses and curriculum to help them create and deliver engaging and effective CE, promote faculty development, achieve Accreditation with Commendation, and more
  • Resources for fulfilling accreditation requirements, using PARS, engaging clinicians, and engaging patients as partners in planning and teaching CE courses
    • Including resources such as “Quick Tips to Promote Learning” and “Faculty Tools for Building Learner Trust”
    • Beginning in the fall, there will be a new faculty development course released each month, covering topics such as education theory, curriculum design, pedagogy, assessment, and scholarship.
  • Support tools to enhance the professional development of your CE team
  • A Community of Practice that allows you to learn from – and with – your colleagues.

Starting June 1, 2021, all accredited providers currently in the ACCME system will receive three complimentary user accounts to use through 2021. The primary contacts of accredited providers will receive a unique enrollment key via email on June 1 and each enrollment key will be allowed to create up to three accounts. Each of those three accounts will be able to access all free content, with the ability to upgrade and participate in fee-based educational events with special ACCME Academy Content (i.e., the annual meeting, Newcomers’ Introduction to Accredited Continuing Education, and the Accreditation Workshop in August).

Katherine Dean, Essentia Health; Committee Chair, Minnesota Medical Society, has had a chance to test the Academy during its development and said, “ACCME Academy is a wonderful resource. What I appreciate most is that the formatting is well-suited for an adult learner. The examples that are given are from the real world and it’s easy for the participant to see the relevance of the modules. There is excellent information helping the learner understand the ‘why’ of the correct answers. I look forward to having my CME staff work through the modules as part of their personal and professional development.”

ACCME plans to move to a subscription model in 2022 that will provide additional options for enrolling staff and volunteers in ACCME Academy.

Non-accredited interested parties can join the Academy on a fee-per-course basis starting June 1.

If you are interested, or if you have questions about the ACCME Academy, you can reach out to the ACCME directly at

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