Transparency & Aggregate Spend to be Delivered as a Hybrid Event in 2021

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This year, from December 6 through December 10, 2021, the Transparency & Aggregate Spend Conference will take place as a hybrid event, with in-person events scheduled for December 6-7 and virtual events scheduled December 9-10. The event is slated to cover “essential dialogue” on a variety of topics, including Sunshine Act expansion, enforcement trends, virtual HCP interactions, global transparency, data analytics, and more. The event will also allow for a customizable experience with tailored benchmarking by company size, type, and seniority level.

Some of the “top of mind” topics that will be covered include: CMS Open Payments Team address; Enforcement Panel: DOJ Input on Key Risk Areas; Sunshine Act Expansion: Practicalities, Operations, and Continued Learnings; Ex-US Transparency and Global Compliance; Preparing for Compliant HCP Interactions; Best Practices for Capturing, Reporting, and Analyzing Data; and Dispute management and Resolution.

In addition to the above, Informa Connect promises collaborative content in an intimate format, including customizable conversation base on experience level, from a beginner’s bootcamp for Open Payment reporting to a closed-door summit for seasoned transparency experts. There will also be three workshops tailored to industry-specific transparency reporting: small biotech, mid-large size pharmaceutical, and medical device. Additionally, an interactive industry benchmarking roundtable is scheduled, level-set with transparency colleagues.

As of the writing of this article, the in-person location and registration was TBD, but additional information, and updates as they are made, can be found here.

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