Transparency, Aggregate Spend & HCP Engagement 2022 Hybrid Event

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The Transparency, Aggregate Spend & HCP Engagement 2022 is scheduled as a hybrid event, with the in-person portion happening August 9-11, 2022, at the Ritz-Carlton Tysons Corner in McLean, VA and the virtual portion airing August 16th and 17th, 2022. The event is known for uniting bio/pharma professionals with responsibilities for compliance, ethics, legal affairs, commercial operations, transparency, and HCP interactions/engagement.

This premier event will highlight some of the cutting-edge strategies for spend transparency reporting, HCP engagement, open payments, data analytics, and global risk mitigation. Attendees will be prepared for the future of open payments, keep a pulse on enforcement trends, and navigate the dynamic nature of reporting responsibilities and compliance risk mitigation.

Some of the critical discussions and topics to be covered during the event include:

  • Examining Open Payments Causal Impact on Companies Payments to Physicians
    • Led by Tom Sullivan of Policy & Medicine and Rockpointe, Inc.
      • Evaluate the causal impact of the PPSA on marketing tactics across multiple states by analyzing officially reported meals and travel payment data
      • Understand how the findings can guide future policies
    • CMS Address from Open Payments Team
    • Enforcement Panel — Insights into the Latest Government Expectations and High-Risk Areas to Monitor
    • Closed-Door Open Payments Summit for Seasoned Experts**
    • Breakfast Spotlight Session: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Summit
    • Benchmarking on PhRMA Code changes related to Speaker Programs and Off-Site Engagement
    • State of the Industry on Current Updates and Changes on Code Reporting
    • And much more

In addition to attending the event, attendees will be able to access conference content, networking, and exhibits booths on the virtual platform for 10 days after the event.

If you are interested in attending, you can register today and save 10% off* of your registration by using promotion code 22PM10 or learn more at Registration fees go up on July 8th by $300 – so if you’re interested in attending, don’t delay, register today!

*Cannot be combined with other offers, promotions or applied to an existing registration. Other restrictions may apply.

**This summit is an exclusive, senior-level benchmarking discussion. Attendees should have a minimum of 5 years’ experience in transparency and aggregate spend at a bio/pharmaceutical or medical device company. Informa Connect reserves the right to qualify participants for this Summit. All other delegates will general session content during this time.


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