GHLF and IQVIA Release Report on Trends in Vaccine Administration

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The Global Healthy Living Foundation (GHLF) and the IQVIA Institute for Human Data Science recently published a report highlighting the critical function that pharmacies now play in expanding vaccine services to decrease health care disparities. The report, Trends in Vaccine Administration in the United States, aims to understand the role pharmacists have in the immunization process after the enactment of the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) and subsequent modifications made during the COVID-19 pandemic.

To that end, the report reviewed whether patients received vaccines at a pharmacy or medical location from 2018 through the second quarter of 2022. The report also analyzed whether there were differences in the site of vaccines administration by gender, income, or race.

According to the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 90% of the United States population lives within five miles of a community pharmacy – and nearly the entire population will walk through a pharmacy in any given week.

The report found an increase in adult vaccinations at pharmacies when compared to non-pharmacy medical settings in 2020 and 2021. For example, most of the adult COVID-19 and shingles vaccinations took place at pharmacies and roughly 60% of vaccinations during flu season took place at pharmacies. Specifically looking at the COVID-19 vaccine, many people received their vaccine at a pharmacy, irrespective of gender, race/ethnicity, or income. Additionally, more than 90% of COVID-19 vaccinations provided through medical centers or pharmacies were delivered at pharmacies (excluding temporary government public health sites and sites were a claim would not be generated).

The trend in flu vaccines at pharmacies also showed a 30-40% increase in claims for flu vaccines between 2018/19 and 2020. Additionally, roughly half (40-50%) of the administration of the Pneumococcal vaccine in the third and fourth quarters of any given year take place in pharmacy settings.

“Our research shows that immunization rates improve when pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are authorized to vaccinate adults,” said Robert Popovian, PharmD, MS, Chief Science Policy Officer, Global Healthy Living Foundation. “It’s time to permanently codify the PREP Act into federal and state law while further expanding authorization to empower pharmacists, pharmacy interns, and pharmacy technicians to administer all Food and Drug (FDA) approved and/or ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) recommended vaccines, like their physician colleagues.”

“Broadening vaccination authority in pharmacies will increase immunization rates, reduce overall health care costs, and save lives, laying the groundwork for a better, stronger, and fairer healthcare system for all,” added Seth Ginsberg, president and co-founder, Global Healthy Living Foundation.

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