Navigating Online and Social Media Platforms in CME: Insights From ACCME’s FAQ

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Understanding ACCME’s FAQs on Online and Social Media Platforms

In response to the evolving landscape of online and social media platforms for Continuing Medical Education (CME), the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) has released a series of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to guide accredited providers. These FAQs address key concerns raised during the Call for Comment on Accredited Education Delivered via Online and Social Media Platforms.

Key Points from the FAQs:

  1. Online and Social Media Platform Designation: ACCME currently has no plans to offer a special designation for online platforms. However, this may change in the future based on evolving circumstances.
  2. Marketing and Advertising in Online Education: Providers must ensure that any marketing for ineligible companies does not appear before, during, or after an accredited activity. This includes avoiding visible marketing or promotion in sidebars or banners during an activity.
  3. Developing Accredited CE for Online Platforms: Providers should nest essential information like disclosure statements and contact information within video content. It’s also recommended to include language regarding copyright and requirements for material reproduction directly within the content.
  4. Protecting Learners in Social Media-Based Discussions: Providers are encouraged to use methods like starting discussions with posts that request employees of ineligible companies to identify themselves and to refrain from participating in product-related conversations.
  5. Hosting Content on Online or Social Media Platforms: Providers should select platforms that respect learner privacy, do not use learner information for targeted advertising without permission, and protect intellectual property rights.
  6. Adhering to ACCME Requirements on Digital Platforms: The ACCME’s Standards for Integrity and Independence apply to all accredited education, whether in-person or virtual. This includes ensuring learners are not exposed to product-specific marketing and that learner data is protected.

Executive Summary of the Call for Comment

Following the FAQs, the article delves into the Executive Summary of the Call for Comment, initiated by ACCME on September 12, 2023. This initiative was aimed at gathering feedback on the delivery of CME through online and social media platforms. The key points include:

  • Response Overview: ACCME received 215 responses through surveys and emails. The feedback generally supported the expectations and proposed platform, with concerns about practical implementation and potential unintended consequences.
  • Survey Highlights: The survey revealed support for existing standards and the need for clear, practical guidelines for digital platforms. Concerns about the feasibility of strict controls on social media platforms and the need for flexibility were also noted.

Moving Forward

ACCME’s analysis of the feedback concludes that current requirements provide adequate guidance for posting accredited CE activities on online and social media platforms. While no additional rules are planned, ACCME recognizes the importance of ongoing review and adaptation to align with evolving digital landscapes.


The ACCME recognized the complexity of social media, they listened to the responses they received, and should be applauded for helping to navigate this complicated field.

The FAQs serve as a critical resource for accredited providers, offering clarity and guidance for navigating the complexities of online and social media platforms in the realm of CME.

You can access the full Executive Summary and FAQs here.

Additional Resources

The recent publication of the ACCME FAQ document dovetailed with the release of the comprehensive “Social Media Compliance Guide” published by the CME Coalition.

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